We have been operating in the food industry since 1997.
WEKO Poland Sp.z o.o. is a company belonging to INTEROVO EGG GROUP B.V. having many years of experience in egg processing.
Our business includes agro-food processing and our specialty is the production of liquid pasteurized egg products.
Uniwersalność naszych produktów powoduje, iż znajdują one zastosowanie jako surowiec w piekarniach, ciastkarniach, wytwórniach makaronów, majonezów, pasztetów, wyrobów garmażeryjnych, Iikierów i wielu innych, spełniając oczekiwania nawet najbardziej wymagających odbiorców.
The versatility of our products makes them suitable as a raw material in bakeries, pastry shops, pasta makers, mayonnaise, patties, delicatessen, Iikiers and many others, meeting the expectations of even the most demanding consumers.
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Do you prefer contact by mail? Excellently! Send us an email and we will answer every question and customize the offer to your needs. Below is a button that will automatically open your email application when clicked.
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